21 Journals from Freund Publishing House transfer to De Gruyter
- Transferring Publisher contact name: Shelley MATISONN
- Transferring Publisher contact email: subscriptions@freundpublishing.co.il
- Society (if applicable): none
- Journal Title: International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health
- ISSN (print): 0334-0139
- ISSN (online):2191-0278
- Journal Title: Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology
- ISSN (print): 0792-6855
- ISSN (online): 2191-0286
- Journal Title: Corrosion Reviews
- ISSN (print): 0334-6005
- ISSN (online): 2191-0316
- Journal Title: International Journal on Disability and Human Development
- ISSN (print): 1565-012X
- ISSN (online): 2191-0367
- Journal Title: Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions
- ISSN (print): 0792-5077
- ISSN (online): 2191-0162
- Journal Title: Heterocyclic Communications
- ISSN (print): 0793-0283
- ISSN (online): 2191-0197
- Journal Title: High Temperature Materials and Processes
- ISSN (print): 0334-6455
- ISSN (online): 2191-0324
- Journal Title: International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production
- ISSN (print): 0793-6648
- ISSN (online): 2191-0375
- Journal Title: International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences & Numerical Simulation
- ISSN (print): 1565-1339
- ISSN (online): 2191-0294
- Journal Title: International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines
- ISSN (print): 0334-0082
- ISSN (online): 2191-0332
- Journal Title: Journal of Intelligent Systems
- ISSN (print): 0334-1860
- ISSN (online): 2191-026X
- Journal Title: Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials
- ISSN (print): 0334-8938
- ISSN (online): 2191-0243
- Journal Title: Journal of Polymer Engineering
- ISSN (print): 0334-6447
- ISSN (online): 2191-0340
- Journal Title: Main Group Metal Chemistry
- ISSN (print): 0792-1241
- ISSN (online): 2191-0219
- Journal Title: Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism
- ISSN (print): 0334-018X (???)
- ISSN (online): 2191-0251
- Journal Title: Reviews on Environmental Health
- ISSN (print): 0348-7554 or 0048-7554: to be clarified with ISSN Centre
- ISSN (online): 2191-0308
- Journal Title: Reviews in Analytical Chemistry
- ISSN (print): 0793-0135
- ISSN (online): 2191-0189
- Journal Title: Reviews in Chemical Engineering
- ISSN (print): 0167-8299
- ISSN (online): 2191-0235
- Journal Title: Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry
- ISSN (print): 0193-4929
- ISSN (online): 2191-0227
- Journal Title: Reviews in the Neurosciences
- ISSN (print): 0334-1763
- ISSN (online): 2191-0200
- Journal Title: Science and Engineering of Composite Materials
- ISSN (print): 0792-1233
- ISSN (online): 2191-0359
- Receiving Publisher: De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany
- Receiving Publisher contact name: Ariane RUECKEBEIL
- Receiving Publisher contact email: ariane.rueckebeil@degruyter.com
- Effective Transfer Date: January 01, 2011
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